Explore the best nautical sailing ropes in Latin America
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I use V.elo ropes on my cruising 30ft and my racing 49er. The lines surprised me for their above-average quality and durability. I'm sure it's the best option for those looking for high performance, comfort and safety
Tiago Quevedo
- multi-champion in the Optimist, Laser, Soling and 49ers classes
For those who live aboard, the comfort and durability of the ropes are essential and the aesthetic look is also an important element. For these reasons, I use V.elo lines.
Décio Maia
living in a Delta 41ft. along the Brazilian coast
I use V.elo ropes on my leisure and racing boats as well in mast applications for our customers. Top quality standard, highly recommended!
Niels Rump
experienced sailor and the main mast manufacturer in South America
I use V.elo ropes on my cruising 30ft and my racing 49er. The lines surprised me for their above-average quality and durability. I'm sure it's the best option for those looking for high performance, comfort and safety
Tiago Quevedo
- multi-champion in the Optimist, Laser, Soling and 49ers classes
For those who live aboard, the comfort and durability of the ropes are essential and the aesthetic look is also an important element. For these reasons, I use V.elo lines.
Décio Maia
living in a Delta 41ft. along the Brazilian coast
I use V.elo ropes on my leisure and racing boats as well in mast applications for our customers. Top quality standard, highly recommended!
Niels Rump
experienced sailor and the main mast manufacturer in South America